The Encounter With A Tormented Ghost
"Years ago early in my professional psychic career I was participating in an intuition development class. For psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and such who take their gifts seriously, it is always refreshing to be among those who understand such talents. And, though the public knows it or not, good psychics are always seeking ways to explore the potential of their gifts. It is also not uncommon, depending on the type of gathering, to encounter unusual situations."
"This particular seminar on intuition development involved a couple of days that included courses, lectures and so forth. During the seminar a women (who also was attending the seminar) approached my roommate and myself is a rather disturbing story. This woman was not a professional psychic and was attending in order to help her better understand intuition and related experiences. From the story she told us it was obvious she possessed clairvoyant abilities of which she was only now becoming aware."
"The woman told my roommate and myself there was something wrong with her hotel room. A very bad energy was present. She was sure something very bad had occurred in the room. We all went to the woman's room and as soon as we entered I was stunned with the immediate psychic impressions. There was a very troubled energy reaching out. An impression of a woman in despair. My roommate had the exact same experience. We both began describing the same impressions at the same time ... something that just added to the spookiness of the situation."
"As I said previously, this was early in my professional psychic career. Of course I knew ghosts existed. But communicating with spirits and the spirit world, performing medium work, was and is different than a direct paranormal experience involving a ghost or spirit in despair. It seemed it was time to call in some support. And, as it just so happened we were all at a conference where there happened to be a number of experienced psychics."
"We gathered a few psychic friends and began to piece together a story from the feelings, clairvoyant visions we were gathering. We could see a young woman thrown against one of the walls of the room, blood dripping down, we could even make out the two men who were attacking her. Then, we decided we should gather some independent information about what may have occurred in that mysterious room."
"The next day during the workshop, we discovered that a young woman was indeed found dead in our hotel. This young woman had stolen from drug dealers and had been ruthlessly killed. It was a very distressing story and there was no question the woman had suffered a terrible death and a pointless one. In paranormal terms, it is often found that souls who leave this world under difficult circumstances often linger in this world, becoming what is considered a classic ghost. Other studies indicate that locations seem to hold 'energy', negative and positive, from emotionally charged events. What our little group of psychics decided was there was the presence of a tormented spirit and we should do what we could to help her move on into the afterlife."
"We gathered at the 'haunted' hotel room. As a group, we spent the next 30 minutes surrounding the tormented woman's spirit in white light. We sent forth our positive intentions, love and our prayers, inviting her to move 'towards the light'. Our group then departed. Later, individually and as small groups, we returned. The negative energy, the 'haunting', the ghost, whatever you wish to call it, was gone. We concluded the girls spirit had accepted her circumstances and moved on to a better, brighter place."
Our thanks to Murielle for providing this true ghost story.
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