Our Family Ghost Story
"The majority of stories about ghosts and spirits can be summed up with three themes:
Attraction or attachment to places, items or people; completing a mission; needing to convey a message.
One of the strongest of attachments is family, so family stories of a departed spirit making a ghostly
appearance is not uncommon. Sadly, so many people would rather not talk about such a supernatural encounter,
or pretend the event never happened. Once people start sharing, without fear, their ghostly or spirit encounters
then one begins to see how wide spread ghost stories are. Let me share our family's ghost story ..."
"When I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter my mom and I began making plans for her to make an extended visit
to our home so my mother could be here for my daughter's birth. My mom lived on the other side of the country and we kept
in touch every Sunday, usually talking for a half hour of so. Coincidently, my mom decided to move to a new home
just as my husband and I had decided to move to another home. It was an exciting, if chaotic, time."
"My mother had moved to her new home, and soon, my husband and I were knee deep in boxes as we unpacked in our new home.
In the pandemonium of moving, I had lost the scrap of paper where I'd written my mother's new phone number. Now, this was at
time when cellphones were not widely in use. It was the stone age where everyone had their phones hard wired into their homes
and whenever you moved to a new town, you HAD to get a new phone number. Sunday came and went and I sadly missed connecting with my mother.
Finally, I found my mother's new number. I felt a real urgency to call her, immediately. We talked and talked and talked and
before I knew it two and a half hours had passed. This was something we almost never did, talk so long, because
(back in the phone stone age) long distant charges were applied and such phone calls were very expensive.
"The next day, I began to have a disturbing vision. A person was person falling out of a parked dark colored van.
They fell to the pavement and I knew they had passed away. Who this person was, I could not tell. I could not see who they were.
Just as disturbing as the vision was the fact it kept return, sometime several times a day. Nothing I tried seemed to help me
discover who the person was lying on the pavement. Then, Sunday morning I was awaken to the sound of my telephone ringing.
It was my mom's friend, telling me that my mom had a fatal heart attack several ago.
My mom and her friend had gone shopping. My mom began to feel ill. Will getting out of her friend's dark green
van she had a massive heart attack and collapsed to the pavement. You can imagine my shock and heartbreak.
My vision was a premonition of my mom and of her final moments."
"No one ever gets over the loss of one's father or mother. We go on. Before I knew it, I was in the hospital
with my husband giving birth to our beautiful daughter. Such joy tinted with sorrow. I really wished my mother could have
been there. My daughter was only a few hours old and we were all left alone in the hospital room.
My husband had fallen asleep in the chair across the room. I was holding her, marveling at the new life I was blessed
to be a part of, when I heard a soft knocking on the door to our room.
'Come in', I called out. The knock came again.
'Come in, I called out, again. Still, the door didn't open. By the third knock I decided not to disturb everyone
by shouting at the door. With a loud sigh, I put my daughter into her cradle and got up to open the door. When I opened it,
there stood my mother."
"I invited my mom into the room and she walked over to the cradle with my daughter in it.
My mother turned back to look at me and we both smiled. I looked over at my husband, who now had an ashen parlor to his face as
he watched my mother standing over the crib. He looked at and said,
Is that your mother standing there?. I chuckled and said, 'It sure is, she was determined that
nothing was going to keep her away from her new grandchild'.
When we looked back at the crib, my mom was gone."
"I still swear to this day, that when I looked at my daughter as her grandmother stood over her, she had a big smile on her face."
Our thanks to Shelby for providing this true ghost story.
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