A True Tale Of A Haunting
"Years ago, as a mother of two young children, I lived in a
beautiful Tudor style home that had been
relocated from its original site. It was a very
old house filled with unusual and old world
craftsmanship that isn't seen today. Everyone
who visited was initially struck by its beauty,
but within half an hour or so they would have to leave
stating they felt very uncomfortable in this
"As the weeks passed after moving into our new home,
my fiancée began to change into a dark, moody, and
seemingly malevolent person. We all began to notice
there were numerous cold spots developing through out
the house. Then, locks and doors began rattling, when no
one was near them. I began to sense shadow
people whom I catch in my peripheral vision, and their presence
brought a foreboding ... as if these ghostly spirits had nothing
but evil in mind."
"Every single time I cleaned the kitchen floors the septic
tank would overflow into the kitchen filling it
will garbage and waste products. It was if the
house resisted my attempts to energetically
cleanse the kitchen of its dark energy. My 6
year old son began beating up his younger
brother for no reason. My children became
unmanageable. I became increasingly frightening
and was unsure of what measures I was going to have to
take to remove these seeming dark forces."
"Then, one afternoon I
looked out at the skies from my hilltop view,
and saw a dark wave of cloud-like formations
rolling towards my house. I was terrified and in
that moment my spirit guide burst through to me and
TOLD me to move out, IMMEDIATELY ... something
terrible was brewing. The negative energy and
ghostly inhabitants would not leave easily nor willingly."
"I gave my landlord notice, and only then, did
his daughters tell me their father could NOT keep
the place rented. Misfortune after misfortune and
frightening events seemed to befall anyone who rented the house.
Two women were murdered by their husbands in that
house, and one other woman mysteriously died. If I had not been
sensitive to the energy around me, if my spirit guide had not
came to me forcefully with a warning and guidance, I remain convinced
that something terrible might have happened to
me or my family."
"Back then, I was younger and just developing my psychic skills
and professional practice. I had yet to learn
how to clear a house of negative energies. Years
later, I happened upon the movie 'Poltergeist' and was
struck by how Hollywood had captured some to frightening
act ivies of negative forces ... albeit greatly exaggerated, as is
Hollywood's tendency."
"As a minister, I have now performed many house
blessings and clearings. I see spirits and
discarnate souls when they need to pass on a
message to someone. I work with the guides and
angels of others to help make a personal
connection with them. I find some of most
rewarding work I do in helping others to connect
with their guides and angels and develop their own gifts."
Our thanks to Cassandra for her
contribution to our Ghost Stories selection.
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