Ghost Help ... The Place To Find Help With Hauntings ... Spirits ... Poltergeists ... Apparitions ... And Things Going Bump ... In the night ... Call us anytime :)
Welcome to 1800 Ghost Help ... a unique professional service
established to provide 24 hour phone access to professional
ghost investigators, ghost hunters, psychic mediums and experts
who can help with hauntings and paranormal events.
If you feel you are having problems with
(or want some answers about) hauntings, spirits, ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists,
and/or other paranormal events, these experienced, professionals can help.
All you need to do is call and set up a consultation session
with one of our "ghost helpers". You will receive advice,
support, information, personal readings if necessary and in many cases
spiritual solutions.
Feel you have a ghost in your home or a haunting is taking place?
Maybe a poltergeist is causing you trouble?
Perhaps your home or place of business needs
to be cleared of "negative energy" or " malevolent energy"?
Do you think the spirit of someone departed has been visiting you (or
maybe you are curious if there are guardian spirits around you)?
Have you had a ghostly encounter or seen an apparition and want professional
answers about this paranormal event?
Let our ghost, spirit and paranormal experts,
psychic mediums and ghost investigators help. Just give us a call.
Let's be honest. Not all events claimed to be 'paranormal' or 'ghostly' turn out to
be paranormal. People do sometimes fool themselves.
However, there are many times when ghosts or spirits will prove to be the only explanation.
Learn more about:
Ghost Helper & Medium Kimberle
Psychic medium Coffee has intentionally lived in haunted houses and apartments; camped at haunted campgrounds;
vacations at haunted sites; even owned a haunted motorcycle and car. For haunting help,
Coffee has the skills.
Learn more about:
Psychic Ghost Help With Coffee
Do you have questions about the supernatural realm? Then, talk with Psychic Mazie.
With years experience as a professional medium (someone with the ability to
connect with the spirit world), Mazie can provide answers about
possible spirit visitations or hauntings ...
Ghost & Haunting Help With Mazie
At a young age Delia was aware she had some hidden gift. Her clairvoyance began to emerge as she began exploring divination.
For over 25 years now she has been intimately aware that there is a spirit world, an afterlife, and that on rare occasions, those on the other side make contact.
Ghost Help With Psychic Delia
All consultations and personal readings are one-on-one, private and confidential. Our ghost and spirit experts
look forward to meeting you and answering all your questions. You are welcome to call anytime!"
Still have questions? Call toll free anytime.
There is no charge to call and get questions answered about appointments, privacy, fees for services
and related issues. It will always be up to you if and when you decide to obtain a personal consultation
or reading.
Our select specialists work through the Psychic Selection line, in association with Psychic Source, who
handle support, billing and technology... a professional group who has been helping people connect with authentic
paranormal experts, psychics, astrologers and other divination specialists since 1989.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Do not be shy, call anytime
Toll Free For US And Canada
Spirit Specialist Delia
Ghost Help With Kimberle
Psychic Coffee's Ghost Help
Haunting Help With Mazie
True Ghost Stories
Ghost Resources
For Entertainment Only. Must Be 18+ For Readings, Consultations And Services.
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We absolutely respect your privacy.
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You Never Know When You Might Need Help With Ghosts, Spirits, Hauntings Or The Paranormal